Chapter seven titled, “Why Use Web
2.0 Tools with ELLs?” discussed the challenges of ELLs teachers and ELLs
students. English language learners have to learn not only their cognitive
academic language proficiency (CALP) English language, but they have to learn
basic interpersonal communicative skill (BICS) or social language. Using web
2.0 can be a powerful tool for maximizing learning, for example, ELLs students
can develop a website, edit and upload a video on YouTube all while utilizing
CALP and BICS skills.
Creating information and problem
solving are the crucial skills that 21st century students need, if
the teacher creates an environment of fun, then students will be motivated to
do the fun work. The Partnership for 21st Century skills is an
organization focused on infusing important skills such as, crosscultural
communication, critical thinking, creativity, and innovation into the education
curriculum. Another organization called,
The Teachers of English to Speakers of English of Other Languages (TESOL) has
national standards for Web 2.0 tools and activities for school curriculum.
The chapter also talked about safety
concerns regarding Web 2.0 use and the challenges teachers face when protecting
the identity of students on the Web.
Teachers are fully capable of safeguarding his or her students while
challenging and motivating students on the web. People who are “technopanics”
can cause damage because they feed into the negative stereotypes based on media
I have friends who are ELLs and
special needs teachers and I hear them talk about the challenges they face every
day. But I also hear them talk about how
Web 2.0 has made a huge difference in their classrooms. I listen as they talk about how an ELLs
student, who was once so shy and non responsive in the classroom, came alive
when given a group assignment that included Web 2.0 activities. I know a special needs teacher who
incorporates Web 2.0 to build social skills for her special needs
students. Digital media is a 21st
way of life for all teachers and students and it can’t be ignored.